Oct '03: Old Fire & Grand Prix Fire
Picture from Space of Wildfires 10/2003
(From My Hooterville Holler Newsletter October, 2003)
After managing to escape evacuation in the Willow Fire in 1999—residents of Hooterville were shocked to find out there was a voluntary evacuation looming over us yesterday. The Old Fire and the Grand Prix Fire combined to become one big fire that I have personally now dubbed the OLD PRIX FIRE (for want of a better term). The name keeps changing back and forth so I’ve named it myself since the officials can’t make up their minds.
The media has totally ignored Hooterville, so I thought I would do a newsletter to keep people abreast of the status as it effects the little hamlet of Hooterville---or, me and my family, animals and my friends and their animals.
First, it’s not an easy thing to contemplate evacuating horses, donkeys, potbelly pigs, dogs, and cats (indoor and outdoor), and birds. How do you keep them separated? My house cats don’t like my friend’s house cats. My house cats DO like my friend’s bird. Big NO-NO. You can’t just stash a few extra horses in the guest room. This all takes planning!
Corrals have to be set up—water containers and feed containers and cat boxes. Things you never put on your “must take if evacuated” list when you’re trying to decide if Great Aunt Tilly’s necklace is more important than your dog’s favorite baby toy.
For now, we are all safe...friends, family and beloved pets. We’re glued to the TV, praying for our courageous firefighters and hoping they catch a break.
Hi Mayn,
Maybe I shouldn't use that name as now he is the late Maynard G. Krebbs and also Gilligan...he will be missed. Anyhow, this is the first time I have seen this page and I am very impressed with my ole' buddy's ability to put so much into words. Thanks for making my day!
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