Inspiration Point, Palos Verdes California
Would you take your 4-year old daughter to Inspiration Point? Would you then sit within 4 feet from the edge of this 120ft dropoff to the ocean?
Lauren Key-Marer fell to her death from Inspiration Piont in August 8, 2000. My prayers go out to Sarah Key-Marer and Sarah and Lauren's entire family during the trail of Cameron John Brown. I am praying for justice.
His demeanor on the 911 tape substantiates their testimony. If you want to hear that show, it is linked here.
There is no way in Hades, that poor child wanted to take a hike up a steep, dusty, 1 1/2 mile trail. Not with him! Never!
She was terrified of that beast. He will get what he deserves.
kill yourself nigga
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